Just put the baby down for the night...we're trying for an earlier bedtime tonight. Who knows how it will go! Today we went shopping with Grammy...mommy's feet grew an ENTIRE size so she doesn't have work shoes. Unfortunately we didn't have good luck either. This past weekend Aaron went to the tractor pull with my dad. Before they left Cale was screaming...we joked that he was pouting and stomping his feet "I want to go to the tractor pull with my dad!". Before long that will really be the case. He's just getting so big so fast. He was so tiny when he was born and now his thighs have filled out....he even has chubby fingers!
He's started following things from side to side. He even will follow a person as they move too...like when I leave a room he watches me. Luckily he doesn't cry when that happens. I'm so nervous to leave him next week. I know he'll be in good hands and I totally trust our sitter I just know he hasn't spent any time with her and I'm worried. I'm sure he'll be fine it's just SO scary! I'll probably be calling every hour to make sure he's okay. Ah!!
Ok better go lay my clothes out cause I'm sure I'll be running behind in the a.m. Luckily my mom is coming here to watch him so it won't be too bad. And i'm only working half the day! Wish me luck!
Friday is his 2 month appointment....will post again then. For now here are a few pics...
I'm SO big...first time in Bumbo....1/16/2011

I hope this was just pure accident but boy does he look serious!!
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