Cale had his two month appointment today and he's doing great! His stats are as follows--
Length: 21 1/2in (5th Percentile)
Weight: 11lb 61/2 oz
Head Circ.: 37.7
He also got his shots and was a trooper...the first one I don't think he realized what was going on then he screamed! Mommy's grade school friend was his nurse and she was great to him. We just love Dr. Melvin, his pediatrician. Oh..and he peed all over the wall while he was getting weighed! So proud:)
This week I went back to work part time...it wasn't bad because he was with my mom and I'm used to leaving him with her. I missed him of course but it was nice to have adult time. Next week will be the rough week when we take him to daycare but we trust our sitter...it's just going to be hard leaving him with someone he doesn't know. I'm sure he'll be just fine though.
Still no smile:( He did roll over on Wednesday (1/19) though from belly to back. He did it twice for me and then did it for Aaron a few times. After that he got SUPER mad at us! He was so over it.
He's sleeping now...we're hoping for another 4 hour night. He went back to every 3 hours for a few nights which was rough but he did fine last night. It usually depends on what kind of day he's had. He slept quite a bit all day cause we were shopping (I think he gets bored:) ) so hopefully he still sleeps ok tonight. If not...that's just fine cause we can cuddle all night!
I'm working on getting a video sight going to post all of our videos. I'm still trying to figure it all out:) I need to be better about taking videos too. I'm thinking I need a new computer...mine kind of sounds like an airplane right now...eeks!
goodnight for now:)
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