Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Nasty Colds,

We sure would like it if you would leave our house.  Daddy has had it, mommy is getting it, and baby Cale has a snotty nose:(  You are no longer welcome and have overextended your stay.  I want my happy baby back.

The Ackerman Family

On a positive note....The snow is trying to melt. Woohoo!!  We are SOOO over snow.  With this nasty weather brought these nasty colds.  Poor baby can't breath out of his nose and gets SUPER mad when we trying to suction it out.  It is definitely no fun.  However...he was smiling this morning.  I've been super paranoid about his lack of smiling but this morning he smiled at me three times which is huge for a sick baby! He was fairly content which made me feel better but when I dropped him off at daycare he started crying:(  Luckily we haven't had to beat a fever which has probably made it easier.  Hopefully he's all better this weekend for his stay at Grammy and Grandpa's while mommy and daddy go out of town for a banquet. 

On a negative note...they are predicting more snow next week....NOOOO!!!

Hopefully the next post we have no more SNOT or SNOW!


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