We took Cale in for his first appointment on Wednesday, Nov 24th. He weight 5lbs 4oz so he had lost a bit from birth weight which is common. He also grew 1/2" and was 18inches. His bilirubin levels were slighlty high at a 14.6 so they requested we come back the next day (Thanksgiving Day) to be checked again. Otherwise he looked great.

Thanksgiving Day we went in and his levels had gone up to a 15.3 which is cause for concern. We were sent immediately to the hospital for him to begin phototherapy. Talk about scary for us new parents....However we knew he was in good hands and it was best for him. We spent our first Thanksgiving as a family in the hospital. Our families both came and brought us a real Thanksgiving meal which helped pass the time. The next day he was checked again and he was back down to a 10 which he needed to be under 13 to go home. We finally got to come back home on Friday around 10:30 and get back into our "routine". 

He was very lethargic before so and since he got the treatment he has been much easier to wake up to feed and spends a little more time with his eyes open now:) He still sleeps like a newborn does which we should be taking advantage of (we're trying to!) but we just love to hold him.
We've been so blessed with such great friends and all the visitors, phone calls, and texts we've received. Everyone has been so caring and wonderful we couldn't ask for better friends and family!!
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