Well...our little man decided he did not want to be a Christmas baby but a Thanksgiving baby. Cale Lee Ackerman arrived on Saturday, November 20th at 8:47p.m. He was 5lbs 10oz and 17.5inches.
On Friday, November 19th my water broke while at work. I had ordered lunch and went to the restroom while waiting on it....it was then I knew something wasn't right! By the time I had gotten back it was apparent what had happened. I called the Dr. and they sent me to the office. Luckily I have great co-workers who took care of me and one drove me to the hospital. On the way there a nurse called to tell me to go straight to Labor and Delivery. When I got there they hooked me up to an IV and anitbiotics and told me I wouldn't be leaving that hospital without a baby! It was quite the whirlwind. Aaron was an hour and a half away and my mom was four hours away on a shopping trip. My dad immediately left work and met me at the hospital. He was in the waiting room and saw a flash go by the door...sure enough it was Aaron who made it (luckily safely) to the hospital in 38 minutes! I was then moved to a delivery room. Contractions were few and far between and I was mostly in pain due to sitting in that hospital bed. By 8:00 I had still made no progress so they unhooked me and let me have dinner. Along with Aaron, my mom, dad, brother, and Aaron's mom were there to entertain us (as you can see from the picture of Chris below) which definitely helped keep my mind off things.
On Saturday I woke up, took a shower and put my make-up on and they hooked me up to the monitors and began pitocin. By 10:20 my contractions were beginning but were not quite "painful" just a lot of pressure. The nurse described it as "He's not understanding the pool has been drained and the eviction noticed has been served."! At 2:40 I was dialeted to a 4 and the rest of my water was broken. He was not cooperating staying on the external monitor so they had to do an internal which was not convenient as there were only so many ways you could move but whatever I needed to do we did. At 6:45 I couldn't take the pain anymore and I requested an epidural. I was dialated to a 9 by that point so I'm glad I requested it when I did. By 7:05 the epidural was complete and I had a new friend, Neil. I expressed to him how amazing he was:) That took all the pain away and just made for pressure so I would know when to push. By 8:00 I was pushing and the nurse acted as if the Dr. wasn't going to make it I was progressing so quickly. Finally the dr arrived, and 5 pushes later he was here!!!
Due to him being 5 weeks early NICU had to be present for the delivery and they checked him over as soon as he arrived. Everything looked great they said! My family was then able to come in and meet our precious little boy! It was then we could tell him the name as well. Cale was a name on our list of a few we had liked and when we went through the baby book it said it meant Charles (which is my dad's name) and we were sold! Aaron's dad's name is Dale also so it rhymes. Lee is a very common middle name in both of our families as well (including Aaron).
We were then moved to postpartum and were able to watch him get his first bath. Then began our first night as parents:)