Sunday, May 22, 2011

6 Months Old

Hi Everyone!!  I'm 6 months old and today...I learn how to use...a Sippy Cup!!!

I haven't totally gotten the concept yet...but I am working hard on it:)  We have quite the chunker on our hands...6 month stats:

Weight: 19lb 2oz (75th percentile)
Height: 26 1/2 in (50th percentile)

Cale has been rolling ALL OVER the place.  And whoa...can he sit up!  When you sit him down in his carseat or rocker he tries to sit up straight.  We really need to get switched to the convertible carseat.  He's kind of nosey too (not sure where he gets it:) ) and has a hard time napping when action is happening. Oh..and he LOVES to jump.  A few days ago he spent an entire hour in the jumperoo.  I could literally sit and watch him for hours playing.  The past few weeks he has really learned the concept of how to grab onto things.  His favorites are anything on your face or the cell phone!  

No teeth...yet.  WE (and yes I say we cause I hurt for him when I know they are bothering him) are working on it.  The hand rarely leaves the mouth unless its for something else to go in there.  

Otherwise--that's all that up in the world of "Baby Cale" as they call him at Donna's. We have a SUPER busy summer coming up....lots and lots going on:)  I'm sure next post will involve crawling cause that little booty "rump roast" as Daddy calls it is getting up the air and he can scoot from one end of a blanket to another.  

Tata for now...enjoy the pics below:)

Who you talking to?!


Carpet farming with my daddy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Always behind....

Since I'm ALWAYS behind on my blog postings...I'll post a 5 month picture since Cale is almost 6 months old!

In the past few weeks we have discovered our feet, ear, and mommy's lips!  That's the newest thing...when mommy makes a noise with her lips I try to find them but it takes me a little while to figure out where i"m putting my hand.  I love to pretend I'm in a boat with mommy and we sing "row, row, row your boat" and practice sitting up.  He's doing awesome...we are ALMOST there! I tried to sit in a high chair last week (5 mo. 2 weeks old) and I had a little trouble with sliding with I did pretty good!
 Trying really hard to sit up on my own!
Sitting in a high chair at TGIFriday's for Hailey's birthday!

Hmn...what else have we been up to?!!!  Oh could I forget...yesterday was MOTHER'S DAY!  Woo-hoo....mommy's get celebrated ONE day out of the year:)  Cale woke mommy up with presents in bed followed by breakfast!  Then we took a nice long nap together (after a full nights sleep) before heading off to Grandma Ackerman's to get kissed on a lot. Then Daddy, Cale, Grandpa and Grammy worked in the yard!  
I may be partial but I think I got the best present is a picture of the necklace they got me. I LOVE it!

Guess what else I'm REALLY working on doing....

You got that right....holding my own bottle.  I'm such a BIG boy.  It's pretty funny to watch because if he "starving" (or so he thinks!) he gets super mad and will grab onto it like if he doesn't get it in his mouth the world will end.  He can't keep it in steady so we help.  If he is at the end he gets mad cause he can't quite figure out how to tip it up.  It's so fun to watch cause he's slowly figuring it out:)  

Just incase you were wondering..Cale has been busy making his 1st birthday wish list..he'll get you all his list when he's got it written out:)

It is so amazing to look back and see how big he has gotten and to watch him grow and discover.  Aaron and I always say "I can't wait until he does ...(ex: walk)" but in reality...time is going WAY too fast:(  We're just so lucky to have such a happy, healthy, good baby!!

Videos I've been promising: ARghh....the uploader for videos isn't working....Will upload these later:(

Bed for now...I REALLY need to get my pictures uploaded to shutterfly..heck on my computer for that fact.  If only there were more hours in a day......Goodnight:)