Please hold while I re-read my last post to see what I haven't filled you in on....
Cale now has TEETH! Multiples that is....his top and bottom two are in and ADORABLE and he's working on two others right now also. So far they haven't given us too much grief which is a blessing. I'm scared for those molars.
Still not walking...pulling up on EVERYTHING (which is scary cause I'm afraid he's going to knock those teeth out). He will walk along the couch and tables but has no interest in going on his own. We practice a lot...and he'll just it when he's ready!
Some days I wish he was walking cause I see how dirty my floor is but I know as soon as he does I won't want him to anymore:)
We started milk this week and are going to go off formula. I read in the last post we were going off the bottle and big shocker, that was unsuccessful. Not because he wasn't interested...we just never did it!! Time goes so fast and we say "oh ya lets do that tomorrow" and start a new "routine" and we never do! So really...this week will be the week because again, he's going to be ONE!
Let's see...he went to his first wedding! That was fun...Jason and Kathy (Ramm) Waller got married Oct. 1st and we took him. He was of course, wonderful! Honestly though...both of our parents were there and I think that's the only way we made it through!
Donna had to take a day off so Daddy, Grandpa Dale, and Cale went to the Farm Progress Show in Decatur. They had a great time! Of course, he didn't leave empty handed. And no, not the combine below but it sure is cute!!
He also spent time at his 1st 1/2 Century of Progress. He loved going on rides on the mule with us and of course...having ice cream!
It was also time for the exciting...1st HAIRCUT!! (actually we are ready for the next already too!)
Can't forget the first shopping trip with Daddy to Farm and Fleet's Toy Land!
We'll end with Halloween...Here's a scary monster!!
And...the cutest little cow you'll ever see!!
I could go on and on and on but....Mommy has to get back to planning his 1st birthday party....and I will be posting pictures of the awesome Barnyard Birthday Bash next week! Stay tuned....