Our first prenatal appointment was on May 18th. It was exciting but scary. They give you SO much information I was a little overwhelmed and would ask Aaron "did they say...?" Of course he was still in shock I think so he didn't know! Everything seemed to be great and they gave us a due date of December 25th. That's right a "Christmas Baby". We scheduled our first ultrasound and off we went with lots of knowledge to dissolve.
I had been feeling so good I kept saying "I don't even feel pregnant" and said I needed that proof that there was a baby in there to really believe I was pregnant. Of course the first few weeks before we knew I'd tell Aaron I didn't feel well but it really didn't cross our minds that I was pregnant. It happened so quick I thought maybe I was just being whiny! I've had minor nauseau and am very, very tired but otherwise don't have much to complain about :)
June 18th we finally got that "proof" I needed! What am amazing experience to see this tiny baby moving around on a screen and to know that is inside you. First thing I did when he/she popped up on the screen was look at aaron and say "There is a baby in there!". Heart rate was great at 162 and we got to hear it beating as well. Most say they cry at the first said and of course I laughed. It was so weird to see arms moving and the baby spinning knowing it's inside of you and you can't feel anything. I can't wait until the first time I can actually feel it! Due date has now been moved to December 22nd.