The Ackerman Family
Aaron ~ Kalee ~ Cale ~ Gabby
Friday, January 6, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Okay I'm testing this from me new iPhone app! If this works maybe I'll be more likely to at the least add pictures! So for now.. Here's mr. Independent in the big chair watching tv!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wow...this is embarrassing...Cale will be ONE this weekend...his last post was when he was um...shall I dare say it? 9 months old. This is only because he has kept me SO BUSY:) I guess i won't go into ALL of the details on what's consuming all of my time but I bet you can take one guess...a BUSY BUSY BUSY little boy:)
Please hold while I re-read my last post to see what I haven't filled you in on....
Cale now has TEETH! Multiples that is....his top and bottom two are in and ADORABLE and he's working on two others right now also. So far they haven't given us too much grief which is a blessing. I'm scared for those molars.
Still not walking...pulling up on EVERYTHING (which is scary cause I'm afraid he's going to knock those teeth out). He will walk along the couch and tables but has no interest in going on his own. We practice a lot...and he'll just it when he's ready!
Some days I wish he was walking cause I see how dirty my floor is but I know as soon as he does I won't want him to anymore:)
We started milk this week and are going to go off formula. I read in the last post we were going off the bottle and big shocker, that was unsuccessful. Not because he wasn't interested...we just never did it!! Time goes so fast and we say "oh ya lets do that tomorrow" and start a new "routine" and we never do! So really...this week will be the week because again, he's going to be ONE!
Let's see...he went to his first wedding! That was fun...Jason and Kathy (Ramm) Waller got married Oct. 1st and we took him. He was of course, wonderful! Honestly though...both of our parents were there and I think that's the only way we made it through!
Donna had to take a day off so Daddy, Grandpa Dale, and Cale went to the Farm Progress Show in Decatur. They had a great time! Of course, he didn't leave empty handed. And no, not the combine below but it sure is cute!!

He also spent time at his 1st 1/2 Century of Progress. He loved going on rides on the mule with us and of course...having ice cream!

It was also time for the exciting...1st HAIRCUT!! (actually we are ready for the next already too!)
Can't forget the first shopping trip with Daddy to Farm and Fleet's Toy Land!

We'll end with Halloween...Here's a scary monster!!

And...the cutest little cow you'll ever see!!

I could go on and on and on but....Mommy has to get back to planning his 1st birthday party....and I will be posting pictures of the awesome Barnyard Birthday Bash next week! Stay tuned....
Please hold while I re-read my last post to see what I haven't filled you in on....
Cale now has TEETH! Multiples that is....his top and bottom two are in and ADORABLE and he's working on two others right now also. So far they haven't given us too much grief which is a blessing. I'm scared for those molars.
Still not walking...pulling up on EVERYTHING (which is scary cause I'm afraid he's going to knock those teeth out). He will walk along the couch and tables but has no interest in going on his own. We practice a lot...and he'll just it when he's ready!
Some days I wish he was walking cause I see how dirty my floor is but I know as soon as he does I won't want him to anymore:)
We started milk this week and are going to go off formula. I read in the last post we were going off the bottle and big shocker, that was unsuccessful. Not because he wasn't interested...we just never did it!! Time goes so fast and we say "oh ya lets do that tomorrow" and start a new "routine" and we never do! So really...this week will be the week because again, he's going to be ONE!
Let's see...he went to his first wedding! That was fun...Jason and Kathy (Ramm) Waller got married Oct. 1st and we took him. He was of course, wonderful! Honestly though...both of our parents were there and I think that's the only way we made it through!
Donna had to take a day off so Daddy, Grandpa Dale, and Cale went to the Farm Progress Show in Decatur. They had a great time! Of course, he didn't leave empty handed. And no, not the combine below but it sure is cute!!
He also spent time at his 1st 1/2 Century of Progress. He loved going on rides on the mule with us and of course...having ice cream!
It was also time for the exciting...1st HAIRCUT!! (actually we are ready for the next already too!)
Can't forget the first shopping trip with Daddy to Farm and Fleet's Toy Land!
We'll end with Halloween...Here's a scary monster!!
And...the cutest little cow you'll ever see!!
I could go on and on and on but....Mommy has to get back to planning his 1st birthday party....and I will be posting pictures of the awesome Barnyard Birthday Bash next week! Stay tuned....
Saturday, August 13, 2011
An entire month??
Am I really behind an ENTIRE MONTH?? Wow...I really am not good at this blogging thing though. I think I'm going to set a goal to do this for a year...and if I can't keep up after that I won't consider myself a failure! Really though..I just have way too much going on. Working full time, part time, mom, wife, "housecleaner", attempting to become "good" at running, and trying to make time for a social life can get quite overwhelming! But only live once! Recently I've been searching home decorating blogs in my "spare" (lol) time and would really love to be able to do these awesome, frugal craft projects...i need about 36 hours in a day to do all that though.
Anyways--enough about me..let's talk about my not so much of a baby anymore, Cale. 9 he really going to be 9 months old already? I remember the day I was yelling into the aaron that he needed to come looks at the pregnancy test! We go monday for his 9month appointment and i'm interested to see how much he really weighs. We are now transitioning into 18mo. clothes. I was going through his clothes the other night and almost teared up putting away those true baby clothes and getting out the real boy clothes. Time sure does fly..
So what's new?? Well we officially have a crawler. He is EVERYWHERE I tell ya...and we're not just armly crawling anymore. He is on all fours and into everything! Its so funny cause he knows he's gone too far and turns around and looks at me like "are you gonna tell me no?" then goes just a little further! Just a few days ago I was in the other room and he was in his walker (which he still hasn't figured out forward yet) and came back to find the chair knocked over and the coffee table cleaned off. Needless to say, tomorrow will be spent officially baby proofing.
Besides crawling, he's learned to high five (only when he wants though), got his first tooth!!!! woohoo!!!, working on the second tooth, we're working on waving hi and bye and...gesh I can't think of what else. I REALLY need to start updating this more often:)
We've started Stage 3 of my goals was to at least TRY to make baby far i'm unsuccessful on even trying. One day I WILL at least make an honest attempt! The sippy cup is a work in progress...This week we are going to try to start doing at least one sippy cup in place of the bottle and see how well that goes. I'd like for him to be off the bottle at one for good!
He went to his first tractor pull last night in Rossville. We seriously can not have a better baby. He was perfect the entire time! Wasn't scared of the noise, stayed up late, and fell asleep without a hassle. He seemed to actually enjoyed it to. It was the cutest thing watching him and aaron both stare at the tractors as they went by!
Last weekend we went to Mt. Olive for Jackie Good's baby shower and he was again, AWESOME! He was up, alert, and busy of course the entire shower and at the end I was holding him and I looked and he was passed out on my shoulder. He NEVER will fall asleep on my so I was pretty excited:) Then we stayhed at Michaela's and my mom came with us to watch him so I could go out with her...which is always a good time:) Everyone was amazed at how good he is.
Okay...better get ready for cousin Conlan's first birthday party! We'll be planning that way too soon as well!!!
Monday is his 9month appointment so my plan is to update his stats and upload some pictures too (i'm sitting outside and started to sweat!)
Anyways--enough about me..let's talk about my not so much of a baby anymore, Cale. 9 he really going to be 9 months old already? I remember the day I was yelling into the aaron that he needed to come looks at the pregnancy test! We go monday for his 9month appointment and i'm interested to see how much he really weighs. We are now transitioning into 18mo. clothes. I was going through his clothes the other night and almost teared up putting away those true baby clothes and getting out the real boy clothes. Time sure does fly..
So what's new?? Well we officially have a crawler. He is EVERYWHERE I tell ya...and we're not just armly crawling anymore. He is on all fours and into everything! Its so funny cause he knows he's gone too far and turns around and looks at me like "are you gonna tell me no?" then goes just a little further! Just a few days ago I was in the other room and he was in his walker (which he still hasn't figured out forward yet) and came back to find the chair knocked over and the coffee table cleaned off. Needless to say, tomorrow will be spent officially baby proofing.
Besides crawling, he's learned to high five (only when he wants though), got his first tooth!!!! woohoo!!!, working on the second tooth, we're working on waving hi and bye and...gesh I can't think of what else. I REALLY need to start updating this more often:)
We've started Stage 3 of my goals was to at least TRY to make baby far i'm unsuccessful on even trying. One day I WILL at least make an honest attempt! The sippy cup is a work in progress...This week we are going to try to start doing at least one sippy cup in place of the bottle and see how well that goes. I'd like for him to be off the bottle at one for good!
He went to his first tractor pull last night in Rossville. We seriously can not have a better baby. He was perfect the entire time! Wasn't scared of the noise, stayed up late, and fell asleep without a hassle. He seemed to actually enjoyed it to. It was the cutest thing watching him and aaron both stare at the tractors as they went by!
Last weekend we went to Mt. Olive for Jackie Good's baby shower and he was again, AWESOME! He was up, alert, and busy of course the entire shower and at the end I was holding him and I looked and he was passed out on my shoulder. He NEVER will fall asleep on my so I was pretty excited:) Then we stayhed at Michaela's and my mom came with us to watch him so I could go out with her...which is always a good time:) Everyone was amazed at how good he is.
Okay...better get ready for cousin Conlan's first birthday party! We'll be planning that way too soon as well!!!
Monday is his 9month appointment so my plan is to update his stats and upload some pictures too (i'm sitting outside and started to sweat!)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Lots of Firsts!!
7 months old sure is a fun age!! Cale is working hard on crawling...we started with the rock...then it got faster and we are onto the Army Crawl! I'm sure in no time he will be crawling along. I'm not sure we're properly baby proofed but I'm sure we'll figure it out!!
Guess who went to his first rodeo?? That's ride...this cowboy did! Grandpa Chuck's horse was being used by Dan to calf rope in so we went to watch! He loved petting Uncle Chris' horse Diesel too...And of course Grandpa had to buy him his first Cowboy Hat!
Fourth of July weekend was an interesting one...I went swimming in a "real" pool for the first time. We've been to the Rantoul pool many times but we aren't able to use that float in the pool. So, we went to daddy's aunt and uncles. The day ended up with mommy at the er after she got attacked by their dog. But...we sure are glad it wasn't worse than it ended up or Cale. VERY scary! Lessoned learned to NEVER go near a dog you don't know.
We just got home from our first family vacation! We had such a great time relaxing and spending time together. You don't realize how busy life is until 5 days of no day to day life is in the way and you actually get to spend time together! We stayed at a resort in Sheridan, IL called Fox Valley River Resort. It had putt putt, swimming, fishing, 5 hole golf course, tennis, and LOTS of relaxation! We did a lot of swimming, I went golfing for the first time (I'm a pretty good caddy!), and we even played putt putt! We took one day to go to Ikea which was awesome. We also went into Chicago to visit Navy Pier and Millennium Park. I went on my first boat ride too! Wow was he a trooper...we kept him busy the entire time we were gone and he only had a few screaming moments when he was super tired, otherwise he was perfect!!
Before we took off for vacation, we made a trip to the Historic Farm Days in Penfield. Grandma and Grandpa got me a super cute new hat while I was there too!!
Pictures to come later......
Guess who went to his first rodeo?? That's ride...this cowboy did! Grandpa Chuck's horse was being used by Dan to calf rope in so we went to watch! He loved petting Uncle Chris' horse Diesel too...And of course Grandpa had to buy him his first Cowboy Hat!
Fourth of July weekend was an interesting one...I went swimming in a "real" pool for the first time. We've been to the Rantoul pool many times but we aren't able to use that float in the pool. So, we went to daddy's aunt and uncles. The day ended up with mommy at the er after she got attacked by their dog. But...we sure are glad it wasn't worse than it ended up or Cale. VERY scary! Lessoned learned to NEVER go near a dog you don't know.
We just got home from our first family vacation! We had such a great time relaxing and spending time together. You don't realize how busy life is until 5 days of no day to day life is in the way and you actually get to spend time together! We stayed at a resort in Sheridan, IL called Fox Valley River Resort. It had putt putt, swimming, fishing, 5 hole golf course, tennis, and LOTS of relaxation! We did a lot of swimming, I went golfing for the first time (I'm a pretty good caddy!), and we even played putt putt! We took one day to go to Ikea which was awesome. We also went into Chicago to visit Navy Pier and Millennium Park. I went on my first boat ride too! Wow was he a trooper...we kept him busy the entire time we were gone and he only had a few screaming moments when he was super tired, otherwise he was perfect!!
Before we took off for vacation, we made a trip to the Historic Farm Days in Penfield. Grandma and Grandpa got me a super cute new hat while I was there too!!
Pictures to come later......
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Daddy come back!!!
Daddy is gone for work this week and we REALLY, REALLY miss him!!! This week was a wake-up call for mom on how much daddy really does for us!
On top of missing daddy, we have a tooth coming in. This thing has GOT to come through soon. We normally get to sleep all night but the past three nights have not gone all so well. We're hoping to go for a good night tonight!
On top of that, we're going to try to get into a new, better food routine. We haven't quite kept up on the breakfast, lunch, dinner routine so that's going to be our new plan with snacks/bottles in between. I can't believe my baby is 7 months old now too...that is just CRAZY! I feel like it was just yesterday I thought they were going to put me on bed rest and little did I know they told me I was going to go home with a baby! He's really trying to get up on those knees and elbows and scoot. His super cool trick is to do circles laying on the floor. If you put toys in a circle he will spin around and play with all of them. He got a new toy, well more than one, but a hammer that he's going to help with on our house!! Thanks to Jackie! We're also in our walker however we can barely touch the floor so we don't make much progress. The fun thing while mommy cooks it to play with the animal magnets on the fridge. **Pictures to follow once downloaded!
Things have been CRAZY busy as usual. Mommy learned to golf, daddy tore down our shed, Father's day, daddy goes on a work trip. I'm sure it will get crazier than calm down before we know it. Since Cale has taken over our house we need more room so we're in the plan of an addition. It's going to be a LONG road!
On top of missing daddy, we have a tooth coming in. This thing has GOT to come through soon. We normally get to sleep all night but the past three nights have not gone all so well. We're hoping to go for a good night tonight!
On top of that, we're going to try to get into a new, better food routine. We haven't quite kept up on the breakfast, lunch, dinner routine so that's going to be our new plan with snacks/bottles in between. I can't believe my baby is 7 months old now too...that is just CRAZY! I feel like it was just yesterday I thought they were going to put me on bed rest and little did I know they told me I was going to go home with a baby! He's really trying to get up on those knees and elbows and scoot. His super cool trick is to do circles laying on the floor. If you put toys in a circle he will spin around and play with all of them. He got a new toy, well more than one, but a hammer that he's going to help with on our house!! Thanks to Jackie! We're also in our walker however we can barely touch the floor so we don't make much progress. The fun thing while mommy cooks it to play with the animal magnets on the fridge. **Pictures to follow once downloaded!
Things have been CRAZY busy as usual. Mommy learned to golf, daddy tore down our shed, Father's day, daddy goes on a work trip. I'm sure it will get crazier than calm down before we know it. Since Cale has taken over our house we need more room so we're in the plan of an addition. It's going to be a LONG road!
Sleepy boy!
I'm really starting to love watching Gabby:) Soon I'll be pulling her tail!
Best news of all...I can hold my own bottle now!!!!
Happy 1st Father's Day!
Love my Mommy!
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